
all hooked up

i heart my new iPhone. it's freakin fantastic. i'm never one that has the newest techie phone so this is quite a big leap for me, coming from my old clunky thick ugly cell phone. expect me to be twittering up a storm now that i'm connected 24/7. i just need to find an app for windows live messenger and then i'm good to go.

mike and most of my fam have blackberries and i've heard a few boo's from the peanut gallery about my conversion to apple, but i don't really care. while i wouldn't buy a mac computer cause they're not customizeable enough for me, the iPhone suits me just fine. mac stuff is the sleekest and prettiest stuff on the market, and you'd be hard pressed to find a better marketing scheme.

(note to any developer types out there: if you're not currently considering developing an app for messenger, could you please consider it? it doesn't make much sense to me that there's apps for other microsoft products but not for messenger. it makes me sad.)

yesterday: back to work after a week of vacation, and i'm determined to keep calm and relaxed. not too hard yesterday; i made a to-do list for the umpteen events and conferences i'll be running between now and november and even had time to go sit outside in the sunshine for 15 minutes.

i almost fell asleep, i was so peaceful.


today: more of the same. smooth sailing. cool as a cucumber - that's me.

ps - speaking of pretty and sleek, miss elise has her new website up, so be sure to check it out! (would you expect anything less? i love the design!)


Kate8085 said...

I haven't taken the leap yet to an Iphone. Congrats and enjoy!
I love Elise's mini books.

Jessica Marie said...

i love iphones! hopefully one day i'll have one.. for now though my blackberry will do :D

hope today is as stress free as yesterday

Amanda Nicole said...

The iPhone is very tempting, even for someone who doesn't have any sort of cell phone!

Cut Copy Create said...

I played around with it yest, its pretty cool!

PS~Erin said...

You. Will. Love. It! I love mine a little too much. I was not the have-to-have-the-latest-gadget type of gal, but for some reason I really wanted an iPhone. Love it!

:-) said...

Holy Moly. I have had mine for 2 weeks and LOVE IT! I really wish they had a timer on the camera but they have an app I can buy for it. Other than that no problems (fingers crossed) I hope you love yours!!

paula said...

so fun!

Art by Trina said...

I have a blackberry and am about ready to buy an iphone. I am jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Oooo! I wannnt one! They are so pretty and I love how you can do everything on them!

Rheea said...

I want one too! Since my current phone is not working well now, I guess it's time I consider an iPhone! Enjoy your new phone! Ha.


Rachel Follett said...

I feel the same exact way! I have never been a huge mac fan but the iphone rules. I just got one a few weeks ago. I thought I was the last person on the planet to get one. :)

Hypnotransformations said...

I'm Jealous!! I want one of these soooo bad. I'm an At&t customer and not eligible for an upgrade until Dec. arrgghh.

tanya said...

ha ha, I love my new Iphone too!! yayyyy :-)


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